
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and...

As our population ages, maintaining physical independence becomes increasingly crucial for quality of life. One of the most significant threats to senior independence is the risk of falls, which can lead to serious injuries and a cascade of health complications. However, research consistently shows that a combination of strength training and physical therapy can significantly reduce fall risk while helping older adults maintain their independence.  If you would like a FREE “Fall  Proof Your Home Safety Checklist” click HERE Strength training plays a vital role in fall prevention by targeting key muscle groups that support balance and stability. Regular resistance...

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Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs?...

Happy Valentine’s day from MOSS Rehabilitation Center! Whether you love celebrating love or you think it’s just another frivolous event, it got us thinking about the topic of falls. While the adage ‘falling in love’ is associated with positive emotions, real falls that cause physical damage are not so exciting. The chances are that you or someone you know has experienced a fall that has at the very least tweaked your back or at worst, landed you in a hospital.  So let’s talk about why falls happen in the first place and what you can do to prevent them.  Balance...

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How Safe is Your Home?

We’ve talked about it before, but with our upcoming balance workshop only a week away, we’ve decided to bring it up again. Our homes are where we should feel the safest, but how safe is your home really?  If you struggle with balance issues, there may be more concerns in your home than you think!  For a list of things in your home that could be a danger to your health CLICK HERE According to the CDC falls are the leading cause of injuries in seniors and 1/3 of all adults over 65 will fall this year.  Each fall is...

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The Summer of Balance

With temps in the high nineties this week, Texas summer is officially upon us. Regardless of how you feel about the Texas heat, there’s probably something about summer you like! Family vacations, seeing your kids or grandkids more, barbeques, pool time, lake days, and a plethora of other summertime activities!  All of these things are great but maybe you feel more limited than you want to.  We have covered all sorts of balance this past month.  From new ways to challenge yourself (balance board, anyone?) and unusual ways balance affects us, all the way to last week’s post about nutritional...

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Get ‘On-Board’ With Balance

Have you ever seen something and thought that you would be really, really good at it? And then you try it, and it’s not pretty? Me too, in fact, I bet that most people you know would say they’ve had a similar experience. One of those things for me, was a balance board.  For those of you that haven’t experienced one of these, a balance board is essentially a piece of wooden board with two guard pieces on either end of the underside. This is to keep it from sliding completely off the wooden cylinder that it is balanced on....

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Two bits, four bits, 6 bits...

Today we highlight a client who had all the chips stacked against him, yet he fought on with a burning desire for a brighter future.   He understands the investment needed to build strength, endurance and most important remain independent.    “A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. -Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger Doug’s story.  Doug's back was against the wall. As if one hip fracture wasn’t bad enough he fell and broke the other hip. He didn’t require surgery but he couldn’t put any weight on the leg for over 4 months which led to even...

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Your Home May Not Be As...

Flipping through the channels the other day I stopped on an episode of hoarders. Of course the lady had too much stuff in her home making it difficult to walk much less function on a daily basis.  It reminded me of a house I visited years ago when I was doing home health care. I got a call to see a lady who was falling frequently due to weakness and deconditioning.  When I entered the house all I could see was stacks and stacks of paper.  The living room, halls, bedrooms and dining room all had stacks on stacks of...

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A Balanced Recovery

Today we highlight a client who had a desire to improve his balance and strength to prevent future falls and maintain his independence.  He understands the importance of being proactive in his health.   “A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. -Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger Charles’s story.  Charles started to get that sinking feeling that if he didn’t do something about his progressive weakness and balance issues he was going to end up on the floor with possibly a life threatening injury.  This is when Charles turned to MOSS Rehabilitation Center to help him remain...

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Walking The Tightrope

It looks easier than it is! Have you ever gone down a rabbit hole on the internet? You start off looking at one video and the next thing you know an hour has gone by! This happened to me recently.  For some reason I looked up slackline videos on YouTube.   If you don’t know what a slackline is, it's basically a 2” wide webbing material stretched out between two poles or trees a few feet off the ground.  I thought it would be a good idea to get one.  I thought it would be fun and a great way to...

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Karen’s Balance Success Story

Today we highlight a client who has battled through adversity on multiple occasions. She demonstrates the pigheaded discipline and determination it takes to maintain her strength and independence.  She understands that you “either invest in your health now or pay the price later”.  “A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. -Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger Karen’s story.  Dealing with multiple sclerosis has created multiple challenges for Karen. A loss of strength, endurance and balance makes even some of the simplest daily tasks difficult.  If dealing with MS was not tough enough she developed a fear...

Success Stories

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