
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical...

Maintaining proper posture throughout the day is one of the most important steps to addressing low back pain. It is important to keep your spine in a neutral position when seated, standing, or lying down. Maintain good posture when sitting by using a chair with good lumbar support, keeping your feet flat on the floor, and avoiding slouching. If you work at a desk, consider using a standing desk or taking frequent breaks to stretch and stand.  Exercise plays a crucial role in both preventing and managing low back pain. Exercises should focus on strengthening the core muscles, including the...

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Don’t Let Back Pain Wreck Your...

Today we highlight a client who has been with MOSS for several “rounds” of therapy for various conditions.  She is extremely active and wants to stay that way. She also understands that physical therapy is a “contact sport” and you have to work hard to get your desired results.  Her ultimate goal was to get back to gardening and yard work.  Today I want to introduce you to Sandy. She is very sweet and is probably one of the most proactive patients I have. When Sandy discovers an issue that doesn’t seem to be going away she gives us a...

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The BIGGEST Mistake Low Back Pain...

If you or someone you know has back pain then this article is for you.  This is something very close to my heart as I have suffered with lower back pain through the years. My Dad and brother have also suffered with lower back pain which became so bad they both underwent dangerous surgery to try and fix their problem.  They live in San Antonio (where I grew up) and I felt guilty that I was not able to help them, but hopefully my 23+ years of experience can help you.   Fortunately my dad did okay after his surgery. I...

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I Don’t Have Time For…

Tick Tock goes the clock. I don’t have time for ……(you fill in the blank).  Often we hear this when it comes to scheduling physical therapy 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks.  On the surface this can seem like a lot of time but rarely do people see it as an investment in their health.  The problem is you should see the time you spend to either get out of pain or to build or maintain your strength and independence as an investment and not a cost.  An investment is something that gives you a positive return on your...

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Local Springtown Health Expert Discusses First...

Low back pain affects roughly 80% of all adults at some point in their lifetime. The prevalence for low back pain is greater in women and as we age.  The problem is there is not a consensus on how to effectively treat lower back pain. There are many different schools of thought and such a large variation within patient (men/ women, young/old) populations that trying to put a blanket over the problem is impossible.  It is estimated that back pain is the most common type of pain and it affects nearly 2 out of 5 US adults within the last...

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Treating George Costanza

Today we highlight a client who has quite a story.  When I first heard it I thought the staff was pulling my leg. It sounds like an episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza was carrying a huge wallet stuffed with all sorts of useless coupons, receipts, loyalty cards and notes.  He was sitting in the cafe complaining about his back and hip pain to Jerry when Jerry noted that he was sitting “on a slant” due to his obese wallet. Instead of taking the wallet out of his back pocket George just grabbed a wad of napkins and shoved them...

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One True Hero

Today we highlight a client who has battled through lower back pain complete with a spinal fusion, multiple complications and a lengthy recovery process, oh and by the way he is a true American HERO, a disabled veteran. Matt had a long way to go but put in the hard work to reach his goals.  Matt also made some new friends in therapy giving a lease on the phrase “misery loves company”.   “A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. -Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger Matt’s story.  Matt is truly an American hero. As a disabled...

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Achieve High-Performance Health

This is a 3 part series that will help you either continue or return to doing things you love by learning how to Achieve High-Performance Health.   Back pain can be one of the worst types of pain. It can come on without warning and can last for days, weeks and months.  Recently I had a really bad flare up of my lower back pain. If you have been around long enough you may have heard my story about my back while I was on vacation in Hawaii celebrating 20 years of marriage. I am not sure if it was sitting...

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Insider Tips For Your Back Pain

Click HERE to watch my video where I cover the Insider Tips for the 3 types of Lower back pain and sciatica.   Over my 22+ years of experience I have treated literally thousands of patients with back pain. While I typically break them down into 3 large buckets of the primary source of their problem, remember we are all individuals and the symptoms one feels while experiencing back pain can vary greatly.  In another post I discussed the Top 3 Causes of Back Pain and Sciatica. Now I will provide some tips to help you deal with the various types...

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Top 3 Causes of Back Pain...

Click here to watch my video where I discuss the Top 3 causes of Lower back pain  Back pain is the worst, I know I experienced severe pain while on vacation 2 years ago with my wife and family celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.  We were in beautiful Hawaii when I woke on the third day of our 7 day vacation with intense, excruciating lower back pain. The type of pain that takes you breath away when you move wrong. The type of pain that makes you want to crawl into a hole, curl up and die.  How can this...

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