
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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2 Ways to improve your Sleep

Sleep has many benefits to our overall health but why do so many people struggle to get a good night's sleep.  What can I do to improve my sleep?  That seems to be the million dollar question. In a previous blog I talked about 3 tips you can start doing today to help improve your sleep and recovery. You can read about them HERE.  Today I have more tips to help you get the most out of your sleep which ultimately helps you recover faster and be in a better state of mind.  We all love our cup of joe...

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What is Stress and How Can...

At one of our free community education workshops I got this idea from talking to the participants. The original question is about therapy and exercises but quickly turned into the topic of stress and how to relieve it.   As we were wrapping up I was answering some of the group's questions and got an interesting one. (Actually I hear this frequently).  It was, why come in for therapy when I can just find some exercise on the internet?  I thought that was a great question. Here is part of what I told her regarding exercises.  First you can get a...

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Be Strong Like Superman

In a prior blog post I discussed the benefits of being “flexible like gumby”. In this follow up article I want to tell you about several benefits of participating in a regular strength training program.  In high school I was a student of the martial arts. I began taking karate lessons in high school but was still a skinny kid. I wanted a way to develop some strength to really have a “punch” behind my punch, so I started lifting weights.  At first I didn’t enjoy it (because I was sore all of the time) and it didn’t seem to...

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Do You Need To Change?

The thought of change is overwhelming to some, myself included but in this post I will show you how you can get over the fear of change and start to move the needle in a positive direction.  Ask my friends and family and they will tell you I am pretty set in my ways. I am the type of person that finds something I like and I will stick to it. It could be a certain type of food, clothing, shoes or my morning habits you name it and I am set.  Now this doesn’t mean I won’t change. I...

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What Is That Strange Sensation?

It was a long hot day on the bike and my legs were screaming. We were 60 miles into the ride and had another 10 to go. This was not a race but a very aggressive group ride.  Everyone in our group was worn down and we could feel the pace starting to slow. Then we started a downhill section and I went to the front of the group to drive the pace.  After a minute of a hard effort I looked back and found only one rider with me. Instead of slowing down we kept the pace high...sorta an...

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Achieve High-Performance Health Part III

Achieve High-Performance Health Part III Over the last two blog posts I have discussed The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing Process we use to help you recover from an injury or surgery quicker so you can return to doing the things you love.  What are The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing?  Minimize Pain and InflammationRestore Mobility, Flexibility and StrengthReturn to Normal Function and ActivityMaintenance and Injury PreventionPerformance Enhancement Over my 23+ years of experience I have also identified 5 distinct phases our clients go through to help them recover and return to the life they want to live. It doesn't...

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Learn How To Handle Any Problem

Learn the 3 Ds of Handling Your Pain  Did you know that up to 70 percent of adults suffer with shoulder pain at some point in their life…so you are not alone I personally have suffered with shoulder pain in the past and don’t need to tell you how aggravating and painful it can be.  When Judy and I bought our house 19 years ago we decided to plant some trees. We went to a local nursery (A&M in Azle) and bought several trees. In our excitement as new homeowners we didn’t consider the difficulty in digging holes and planting...

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Achieve High-Performance Health Part II

In a previous blog I discussed my struggles with lower back pain and how I was dealing with a recent flare up and setback. You can read about that here.  If you recall I progressed through the first two phases of The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing Process we use to help you recover from an injury or surgery quicker so you can return to doing the things you love.  In this post I will cover Phase III to help you understand the middle part of your journey.  What are The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing?  Minimize Pain and InflammationRestore...

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Achieve High-Performance Health

This is a 3 part series that will help you either continue or return to doing things you love by learning how to Achieve High-Performance Health.   Back pain can be one of the worst types of pain. It can come on without warning and can last for days, weeks and months.  Recently I had a really bad flare up of my lower back pain. If you have been around long enough you may have heard my story about my back while I was on vacation in Hawaii celebrating 20 years of marriage. I am not sure if it was sitting...

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Respond vs. React?

Are they the same thing? I say NO.  I hadn’t thought about the difference until a year ago while sitting in a workshop for entrepreneurs. For as long as I can remember I have had a full schedule day in and day out. You could even say I thrive on it. The problem is I was in reaction mode.  Years ago when I was working on my doctorate I would work all day and then spend several hours a night studying or writing papers. Heck when Judy was pregnant with Sydney and going into labor I was in the office...

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