
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention

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Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!


Benefits of Physical Activity for Mental Health

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Don’t snooze on the benefits of...

I think we all appreciate the luxury of a ‘good night’s sleep’ but what does that really look like? And how often are each of us catching those quality z’s?  What happens if you don’t get enough sleep? Click HERE to find out! There has been an uprising of popularity in products like FitBit or the Oura ring, now surrounded by a plethora of competitors like WHOOP offering similar products. These wearable devices track your sleep, specifically tracking things like what stage of sleep you’re in at different times and your overall quality of sleep.  You can read more about...

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Laser Focus to the Rescue!

Last week we discussed some of the most important elements of recovery. This week we’d like to shed some light on one of the services we offer here at MOSS that can benefit recovery immensely: the deep tissue laser. Whether you’re experiencing a twinge in your low back, muscle knots, or uncomfortable pressure on your knee, our deep tissue laser may be able to ease your pain and help to soothe the inflamed area.  If you’re skeptical about the word ‘laser’ being mentioned in regards to treatment, go ahead and click HERE to read more about it, why we invested...

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…And the Rest is History

Last week we talked about one super important and complex joint in our bodies: the Knee And knowing that the knee is the most complex joint in our bodies, that must mean that a lot can go down hill if we get injured or cause inflammation to that joint, right? Right.  So what do you do?  Rest.  The first thing you can do for yourself to ease your pain now and help your body heal is to slow down and rest.  For many of us it can be difficult to slow down, it’s much too easy to get sucked into...

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A Little Known Option For Chronic...

For those that know me you know how much I love to ride my bike.  I have raced, ridden for fun and even rode from Oceanside California to Durango Colorado in 2 days and 8 hours as part of a 4 man relay team in 2018.  All of that time spent on the bike has its pros and cons.   Let me explain. Getting in a good amount of cardiovascular work is definitely healthier than not doing anything although I may take it to an extreme.  Getting fresh air and being able to clear my head helps me stay focused and...

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Are You A Long Hauler?

Are you struggling to regain your strength and endurance after covid?  If yes, then you are not alone.  Here is a conversation I had with a former patient just the other day.  He stopped by to ask if there was anything he could do to regain his strength after being sick with one of the many variant forms of Covid circulating around.  He described himself as “weak as a kitten”, and had to ask his wife for help to do simple things around the house (I think he was a little embarrassed about this), and he has to take frequent...

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How I Learned To Breathe All...

In a prior post, I discussed how I am seeing more and more patients come in with post-Covid symptoms of general de-conditioning, difficulty breathing, fatigue, brain fog and overall poor energy levels.  In addition to the tips and FREE REPORT I provided to help build your immune system I want to give you another way to help you recover.  I have also broken down some of the breathing  basics here as well as how HRV can affect your health. Most of the people I talk with have their backs against the wall. They know they don’t feel good, think they...

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Struggling to recover from covid?

Getting sick is no fun, neither was being on lockdown or home isolation. It is hard to believe we are almost 2 years into this and it looks like there is no end in sight with new variants popping up all of the time.  So what can YOU do to help protect yourself or maximize your recovery should you get sick.  Locking yourself in your bunker and never seeing the light of day again or having live interactions with your friends or family is one option. I have actually heard about people making this extreme decision to avoid getting sick. ...

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Local Springtown Health Expert Discusses First...

Low back pain affects roughly 80% of all adults at some point in their lifetime. The prevalence for low back pain is greater in women and as we age.  The problem is there is not a consensus on how to effectively treat lower back pain. There are many different schools of thought and such a large variation within patient (men/ women, young/old) populations that trying to put a blanket over the problem is impossible.  It is estimated that back pain is the most common type of pain and it affects nearly 2 out of 5 US adults within the last...

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Local Springtown Health Expert Discuss Ways...

I ran across this article the other day which discussed the addiction that most Americans have with their cell phones.  80% check their phones within the first 10 minutes of getting out of bed, 62% sleep with their phones and 70% use their phones while on the TOILET!!!! EEEEWWW  The funny thing is I can relate to several of the cell phone behaviors listed in the article..obviously not the toilet one, but I do use my phone as an alarm clock and tend to check the weather and my Oura ring sleep activity while I am brushing my teeth first...

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What is Stress and How Can...

At one of our free community education workshops I got this idea from talking to the participants. The original question is about therapy and exercises but quickly turned into the topic of stress and how to relieve it.   As we were wrapping up I was answering some of the group's questions and got an interesting one. (Actually I hear this frequently).  It was, why come in for therapy when I can just find some exercise on the internet?  I thought that was a great question. Here is part of what I told her regarding exercises.  First you can get a...

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