
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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A Balanced Recovery

Today we highlight a client who had a desire to improve his balance and strength to prevent future falls and maintain his independence.  He understands the importance of being proactive in his health.   “A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. -Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger Charles’s story.  Charles started to get that sinking feeling that if he didn’t do something about his progressive weakness and balance issues he was going to end up on the floor with possibly a life threatening injury.  This is when Charles turned to MOSS Rehabilitation Center to help him remain...

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Do This To Improve Your Therapy...

Looking to get the most out of your therapy? Then look no further, as these 3 tips can help speed your recovery.  When most healthcare providers talk about recovery from an injury or surgery this vital component is often left out.  However, most athletes know (myself included) that missing this vital component is actually when the true recovery process takes place. What am I talking about?  SLEEP All of the grueling hours on the bike, weight room or practice field do wonders to tear the body down and damage the muscles, joints and connective tissue but sleep is when the...

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Be Flexible Like Gumby

Search the web and you will find thousands of “stretching” programs from various sources. But how do you choose the best one?  In this post I will discuss the best way to improve your flexibility without causing great injury or harm.  The first question to ask is what are you trying to improve or avoid?  Some want to simply move better and they know that what they are doing is not working, others want to avoid that dull achy pain they get from sitting all day and want to be proactive. That is a good thing.  Are you trying to...

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Learn How To Handle Any Problem

Learn the 3 Ds of Handling Your Pain  Did you know that up to 70 percent of adults suffer with shoulder pain at some point in their life…so you are not alone I personally have suffered with shoulder pain in the past and don’t need to tell you how aggravating and painful it can be.  When Judy and I bought our house 19 years ago we decided to plant some trees. We went to a local nursery (A&M in Azle) and bought several trees. In our excitement as new homeowners we didn’t consider the difficulty in digging holes and planting...

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What Your Doctor Is Not Telling...

Heart Rate Variability or (HRV) what is it and why isn’t your doctor talking about it?  In this blog post, we're gonna talk about Heart Rate Variability and why it is a missing piece to your health.  In a prior post Are You a Dysfunctional Breather I briefly mentioned HRV so in this post I want to dive a little deeper to tell you more about it and how you can use it to help with your recovery and daily stress levels.  What exactly is HRV?  Heart rate variability is the time between the actual heart beats. This is easily...

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Are You A Dysfunctional Breather?

How Well Do You Breathe? Most people don't consider or think or about their breathing just because it happens naturally, which is good.  However, what happens is most people end up breathing incorrectly, whether it's from a trauma, injury, or just changes in postural habits.  Your breath has a tremendous effect on your health.  It can actually affect multiple areas of your life.  Proper breathing, results in greater oxygenation of your blood, improved HRV, which is heart rate variability. Think about your heart as an elastic band. And so the more elastic... and the more flexible it is, the better....

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Go to Bed! The Effects of...

In a previous post, I discussed the 4 stages of sleep and some tips I follow to get a good night's sleep.  In this post, I want to discuss some of the nasty side effects of not getting enough sleep.  But first: why do we even need sleep?  During the day, your body is focused on activities and getting things done. This changes when we sleep. The body gets to rest and the brain “cleans house.”  Scientists have discovered that a whole host of activities occur when the lights go out. The brain starts to sort out all of the...

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Go to Bed! The Four Stages...

Recently I wrote about doing some exercises to stay active since the gyms are closed and we are staying home a lot more.  Several of you wrote back to say thanks for the tip and to tell me what you are doing to stay active. A common theme I heard from several of you was that you are using a Fitbit to track your activity.  Several years ago we went to Orlando for a physical therapy conference. I took the family along so we could also spend a few days at Disney World. I tracked my steps daily and frequently...

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