
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and...

As our population ages, maintaining physical independence becomes increasingly crucial for quality of life. One of the most significant threats to senior independence is the risk of falls, which can lead to serious injuries and a cascade of health complications. However, research consistently shows that a combination of strength training and physical therapy can significantly reduce fall risk while helping older adults maintain their independence.  If you would like a FREE “Fall  Proof Your Home Safety Checklist” click HERE Strength training plays a vital role in fall prevention by targeting key muscle groups that support balance and stability. Regular resistance...

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical...

Maintaining proper posture throughout the day is one of the most important steps to addressing low back pain. It is important to keep your spine in a neutral position when seated, standing, or lying down. Maintain good posture when sitting by using a chair with good lumbar support, keeping your feet flat on the floor, and avoiding slouching. If you work at a desk, consider using a standing desk or taking frequent breaks to stretch and stand.  Exercise plays a crucial role in both preventing and managing low back pain. Exercises should focus on strengthening the core muscles, including the...

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Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs?...

Happy Valentine’s day from MOSS Rehabilitation Center! Whether you love celebrating love or you think it’s just another frivolous event, it got us thinking about the topic of falls. While the adage ‘falling in love’ is associated with positive emotions, real falls that cause physical damage are not so exciting. The chances are that you or someone you know has experienced a fall that has at the very least tweaked your back or at worst, landed you in a hospital.  So let’s talk about why falls happen in the first place and what you can do to prevent them.  Balance...

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How Safe is Your Home?

We’ve talked about it before, but with our upcoming balance workshop only a week away, we’ve decided to bring it up again. Our homes are where we should feel the safest, but how safe is your home really?  If you struggle with balance issues, there may be more concerns in your home than you think!  For a list of things in your home that could be a danger to your health CLICK HERE According to the CDC falls are the leading cause of injuries in seniors and 1/3 of all adults over 65 will fall this year.  Each fall is...

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Don’t snooze on the benefits of...

I think we all appreciate the luxury of a ‘good night’s sleep’ but what does that really look like? And how often are each of us catching those quality z’s?  What happens if you don’t get enough sleep? Click HERE to find out! There has been an uprising of popularity in products like FitBit or the Oura ring, now surrounded by a plethora of competitors like WHOOP offering similar products. These wearable devices track your sleep, specifically tracking things like what stage of sleep you’re in at different times and your overall quality of sleep.  You can read more about...

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Benefits of Physical Activity for Mental...

For years we’ve heard about the importance of physical fitness for our muscles, joints and aches and pains but what about the impact it has on our mental health?  Physical activity can be beneficial in more ways than one- it may even make you a happier person! No, really.  I’m sure that can sound hokey and that you may at this moment be picturing yourself with a ridiculous smile while doing a hundred pushups but that’s not what I mean, bare with me.  You see, when we exercise, our bodies release a special set of hormones- not only do we...

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Is Extreme Texas Heat the Cause...

It’s no question that this summer has been uncharacteristically hot and humid, even for Texas. But what’s even more abnormal is the uptick in people suffering from summer colds! Strep, stomach bug, bacterial infections, flu symptoms, you name it.  So why? Well, for starters, the heat certainly encourages people to swim more, whether that means getting in a pool, or a lake. The heat also makes it easier for bacteria to breed in the water. Just another reminder to not drink the pool or lake water!  This is especially important for young swimmers who may think it’s amusing to hold...

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Laser Focus to the Rescue!

Last week we discussed some of the most important elements of recovery. This week we’d like to shed some light on one of the services we offer here at MOSS that can benefit recovery immensely: the deep tissue laser. Whether you’re experiencing a twinge in your low back, muscle knots, or uncomfortable pressure on your knee, our deep tissue laser may be able to ease your pain and help to soothe the inflamed area.  If you’re skeptical about the word ‘laser’ being mentioned in regards to treatment, go ahead and click HERE to read more about it, why we invested...

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…And the Rest is History

Last week we talked about one super important and complex joint in our bodies: the Knee And knowing that the knee is the most complex joint in our bodies, that must mean that a lot can go down hill if we get injured or cause inflammation to that joint, right? Right.  So what do you do?  Rest.  The first thing you can do for yourself to ease your pain now and help your body heal is to slow down and rest.  For many of us it can be difficult to slow down, it’s much too easy to get sucked into...

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3 Things you KNEEd to know

Do you suffer from knee pain? Even if you don’t, you probably know somebody who does.  Knee pain affects roughly twenty-five percent of the population, which may not seem like a lot, but those statistics mean that knee pain is the main complaint of four million individuals and is the reason for a visit to their  primary care physician.  Knee pain can not only be obnoxious but can inhibit your ability to do the things that you enjoy, and many things that are a part of everyday life.  Squatting down to get something under the kitchen sink, walking the dog,...

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