
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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The Summer of Balance

With temps in the high nineties this week, Texas summer is officially upon us. Regardless of how you feel about the Texas heat, there’s probably something about summer you like! Family vacations, seeing your kids or grandkids more, barbeques, pool time, lake days, and a plethora of other summertime activities!  All of these things are great but maybe you feel more limited than you want to.  We have covered all sorts of balance this past month.  From new ways to challenge yourself (balance board, anyone?) and unusual ways balance affects us, all the way to last week’s post about nutritional...

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Balance in the Kitchen

We’ve been talking about balance a lot here, and the many ways it affects our day to day lives. We don’t just want to provide you with a quick fix solution, here at MOSS, we want to provide you with information that empowers you to really know your body. This week, we’re talking about balance in a less literal sense, and a more metaphorical one.  Nutritional balance. What is it? How do you find it? How do you maintain it? First question: What is it?  Nutritional balance is referring to what kind of fuel you’re providing your body with and...

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Get ‘On-Board’ With Balance

Have you ever seen something and thought that you would be really, really good at it? And then you try it, and it’s not pretty? Me too, in fact, I bet that most people you know would say they’ve had a similar experience. One of those things for me, was a balance board.  For those of you that haven’t experienced one of these, a balance board is essentially a piece of wooden board with two guard pieces on either end of the underside. This is to keep it from sliding completely off the wooden cylinder that it is balanced on....

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The Chain of Command

Does Your Body Know Who's in Charge? If you complain about having balance issues, back pain and general weakness, you’re not alone. Though that probably isn’t a surprise if you’ve been following along with us for a while now, here’s something that might be:  Your problems do not come from where you think they do. Not for the most part anyways. Many people will come in and tell us they have knee pain, low back pain, general muscle tightness or weakness but so often there is a long pause when asked “why do you think you struggle with that?”. There...

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Do You Have a Fragile Core?

As an avid cyclist I love watching the pro’s race. To the uninformed it looks like a bunch of guys riding around on their bikes without much organization but to those who watch the sport regularly know there is a method to the madness.   Cycling actually has teams (similar to football), and each team member has a job to do. Some are supporting cast members (like linemen) and others are the stars (quarterback or star running back).  The cycling supporting cast members (called domestiques) are responsible for protecting the main rider by helping him stay out of trouble and making...

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“Well…it’s another day for another day!”

This is a little late but what is the saying? Better late than never and if you know my next character you will know that being late is part of who he is.  We often joke that he will be late to his own funeral.  This is the first time I get to present a physical therapist assistant, Joseph Marcum.    Joseph plays a key role in the delivery of your physical therapy care. As an assistant he works to carry out the plan you and your Physical Therapist have developed and to use his knowledge and insights to help you...

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Wood He Return To His Hobby?...

Today we highlight a client who suffered with some intense shoulder pain and severe limitations.   As an electrician he had to work overhead and lift heavy objects but was not able to. The most frustrating thing was that he was not able to participate in his hobby, wood working.  His goal was to be able to return to work and woodworking, including the ability to lift overhead and be able to create masterpieces out of wood.   Today I want to introduce you to Joe. Joe is a very likable guy and always had a smile on his face, even when...

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Is Shoulder Pain Bothering You? –...

Having surgery can be a real pain, literally and figuratively.  Most people underestimate the challenges a major surgery poses to their life. Whether it is the time off of work, difficulty sleeping due to a restrictive sling or the precautions put in place to avoid destroying the work the surgeon just performed.  Most assume they can have shoulder surgery and be back to normal in a few weeks. This is rarely the case. The repaired tissue is just beginning to heal at this time and if stressed too early can lead to significant damage.  Placing you in a worse position...

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A Little Known Option For Chronic...

For those that know me you know how much I love to ride my bike.  I have raced, ridden for fun and even rode from Oceanside California to Durango Colorado in 2 days and 8 hours as part of a 4 man relay team in 2018.  All of that time spent on the bike has its pros and cons.   Let me explain. Getting in a good amount of cardiovascular work is definitely healthier than not doing anything although I may take it to an extreme.  Getting fresh air and being able to clear my head helps me stay focused and...

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Are You A Long Hauler?

Are you struggling to regain your strength and endurance after covid?  If yes, then you are not alone.  Here is a conversation I had with a former patient just the other day.  He stopped by to ask if there was anything he could do to regain his strength after being sick with one of the many variant forms of Covid circulating around.  He described himself as “weak as a kitten”, and had to ask his wife for help to do simple things around the house (I think he was a little embarrassed about this), and he has to take frequent...

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