Today we highlight a client who suffered with some intense shoulder pain and severe limitations.
As an electrician he had to work overhead and lift heavy objects but was not able to. The most frustrating thing was that he was not able to participate in his hobby, wood working.
His goal was to be able to return to work and woodworking, including the ability to lift overhead and be able to create masterpieces out of wood.
Today I want to introduce you to Joe. Joe is a very likable guy and always had a smile on his face, even when he was in pain after his surgery. He put up with his shoulder pain for about a year but he started to have an increase in pain forcing him to go to the doctor and eventually have surgery.
When Joe came to us the day after his surgery he was in a sling and not sure what the next steps would look like. We explained The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing to him and began the process of helping him recover. To learn more click HERE.
Here is a quick review:
What are The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing?
Phase 1: Minimize Pain and Inflammation – This phase is all about getting you and keeping you out of pain. We want you to be able to enjoy life and not be constantly taking a painkiller just to live life every day.
Phase 2: Restore Mobility, Flexibility, and Strength: This phase is where we rebuild your physical abilities so you can enjoy your favorite activities without pain and worry. We rebuild your confidence in your body’s ability to do what you want without injury.
Phase 3: Return to Normal Function and Activity: This phase is our favorite because it means that you are back to your normal, pre-injury, or surgery self. You’re free to go about your day and smile knowing everything is healed!
Phase 4: Maintenance and Injury Prevention: Now that you’re healed, we want to keep you that way. This phase is all about making sure you don’t have a repeat injury and keeping your body strong and healthy.
Phase 5: Performance Enhancement: Why settle for normal? During this phase, we help you improve and go beyond what you were able to do before your injury or surgery. We want to help you be the best you can be!
If you stick with your plan and follow the 5 MAGICAL phases of healing, you could see results just like Joe. Here’s his story in his own words:
Wood He Return to his hobby?
Joe’s story.
Joe is a master craftsman. He builds amazing pieces of furniture out of wood, some would even call it art work. It is so good. In addition to his hobby he works as an electrician, using his arms overhead on a daily basis. It was no surprise that with his hobby and occupation he began to have shoulder pain.
Joe tried to ignore the pain and discomfort but eventually the pain became so bad it prevented him from working and enjoying his hobby. Joe eventually had a rotator cuff repair.
When Joe came to MOSS Rehabilitation Center after surgery, he was in severe pain and was not able to raise his arm or use it for any daily task. This stopped him from working and more importantly his hobby.
When it was all said and done he was back to work and more importantly, his hobby.

“It’s been a long 7 months. Starting the day after surgery with virtually no ability to move my arm by myself to today where I am back to work and my woodworking hobby. Now, I hardly remember not being able to use it. Sometimes the aches associated with therapy were tough to take, but now, it seems so worth it. The camaraderie of the staff had helped make it all tolerable. Thanks to the entire staff at MOSS for getting me through this.” -Joe Barranti
Joe worked his way through The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing. Noting it was difficult at time but his commitment to the process paid off.
As Joe progressed through the phases he spent less and less time in therapy but continued to come in for his check-up appointments.
This allowed us to guide him on new things he was wanting to do as well as update his home exercise program, which he performed religiously.
If you are like Joe, or know of someone who is then let us help you improve your life by getting control of your shoulder pain so you can remain active and independent for a lot longer.
If you feel you would really enjoy helping yourself find relief from that annoying, nagging shoulder pain then I have something for you.
If you are looking for guidance on your next step to finding relief from your shoulder pain then call our office to request my 100% FREE Report Top 10 Burning Questions for Shoulder Pain.
Don’t be the type of person who believes that they have to “live with” shoulder pain…that nothing can be done about it because you have “tried everything”.
“A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. –Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger
Remember the KEY is to start so small that it is impossible to fail. -Kaizen
Call Us Today 817-220-MOSS (6677) to get your FREE report or schedule a FREE No Obligation Discovery Visit, you will talk with one of our friendly experts about your issues, and learn what can be done to help you.
To Your Health,