Today we highlight a local Springtown shoulder pain client who thinks she injured her shoulder while working in the yard but wasn’t sure (we hear this all the time). What she did know was that she had a tight shoulder with aching muscles and she wanted relief so she could play with her grandson and work in the yard again.
“A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has only one”. –Agnes Karll Schwest Krankenpfleger
Denise’s story.
Lora, who goes by “DE-NICE” around here, wasn’t sure if she injured her shoulder by lifting her grandson or working in the yard. All she knew was that her pain, tight shoulder, aching muscles and difficulty with daily tasks was getting worse …she needed help!!!
She thought she was getting better after she received an injection in the shoulder but the pain slowly started to return. She also noticed a lot of stiffness in the shoulder and neck when reaching overhead.
This is extremely common. The steroid shot does wonders to reduce the pain and inflammation but does nothing for the actual problem. The original problem is still present, (tight shoulder) just the pain is gone.
As the shot begins to wear off the symptoms return.
This is a great example of Phase I of The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing(™). The goal is to reduce the pain and inflammation so that we can work on improving the mobility and strength, allowing you to get back to the things you love to do.
Before long the pain and stiffness will return unless something is done. I am not opposed to steroid shots, I have actually had several in my shoulders, but the problem is when you don’t work to address the tight shoulder and aching muscles that caused the initial pain. This is often from an imbalance between the stiff joint and weak muscles.
Injections combined with therapy act as a one-two punch to knockout your problem.
Over the course of 2 months Denise worked very hard both in the clinic and at home. She was motivated by her goals to return to being active with her grandson and doing yard work.
With the combination of hard work, motivation, exercise and “hands on therapy” “DE-NICE” was able to get the relief she was seeking.
When Denise finished her therapy in Phase IV (maintenance and injury prevention) of The MAGICAL 5 Phases of Healing (™) she demonstrated significant improvements in her shoulder mobility and strength. She also noted little to no limitations in her daily activities around her home involving her shoulder.

“When I first came to MOSS for shoulder pain, I was experiencing quite a bit of pain, unable to move my arm back and forth, or lift it without pain. After several therapy sessions my shoulder has improved considerably. I can now move and lift with minimal pain. This is my second time to come to MOSS for help. What keeps me coming back is the results I get from each session. I love the “hands on” they use for helping with recovery. I absolutely love the staff! Everyone is always upbeat, helpful, and encouraging. Those of us coming in with painful parts need the extra encouragement to keep on keeping on.” Lora (Denise) Altom
If you are like Denise or know of someone who is, then let us help you improve your Daily Nagging Shoulder Pain WITHOUT Injections and Dangerous Painkillers so that you can play with your grandkids or work in the yard just like Denise.
So what do the most successful people do when they have health concerns? They address their problem.
I call it The 3 D’s Principle(™) for handling any problem in life: 1. Don’t Ignore it, 2. Don’t Mask It, 3. Do Something About It.
NEXT ACTION: If you are really serious about getting help with your shoulder pain, start by calling 817-220-6677 today to schedule your FREE NO OBLIGATION Discovery Visit.
To your health,
Dr. Robert Moss PT, ScD, OCS, FAAOMPT