
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.

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How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!


Benefits of Physical Activity for Mental Health


Is Extreme Texas Heat the Cause of Summer Colds?

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Shoulder Injury & Shoulder Surgery Recovery...

As surgeries go, shoulder-related operations like rotator cuff tears often have some of the longest recovery times. However, many find that recovery & surgery are worth it to deal with their persistent and recurring pain that plagues 50 percent of shoulder pain patients. In this post, we’re going to be looking at how to safely and effectively deal with your shoulder injury or shoulder surgery recovery. We’ll also be going over some key tips on how you can prevent injury and get your body in the best shape to begin your healing journey. All healing journeys are different and depend...

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Shoulder Pain Treatment & Relief: Know...

Take back control with a shoulder pain treatment plan that works for you. Shoulder pain and injuries are complex and, unfortunately, can take a long time to heal. With a 70 percent lifetime prevalence and up to 50 percent of shoulder pain patients reporting persistent and recurring pain, shoulder pain can be a lifelong issue if you don’t put in the effort to find treatments and relief. Luckily, MOSS is here to help you. We understand that all healing journeys are different, all goals depend on the individual, and, thus, all treatment plans should reflect every patient’s unique differences and...

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What Brings You to MOSS? Common...

Reaching up to the top shelf to grab your favorite mug. Holding the back of the passenger seat while you reverse the car into the driveway. Lifting up hay bales, bags of fertilizer, and saddles. Pitching a softball. Reaching to press the snooze button one more time. What do all of these things have in common? Shoulder movement. The importance of a functional shoulder and cuff can’t be underestimated, yet we find that many of our patients downplay their pain and discomfort.  With a 70 percent lifetime prevalence of shoulder pain, one of the most difficult parts is the persistent...

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Knee Surgery Recovery & Prevention: How...

Knee surgery is one of the most common bone-related surgical procedures in the United States. As a result, MOSS has seen hundreds of patients looking to prevent the need for surgery, prepare themselves for surgery, or recover from surgery. Many of these patients come to me confused as to why they are still dealing with knee pain they hoped would be relieved by surgery. Or, patients don’t understand why they should see me here at MOSS before and after they get surgery. Our specialists feel so much empathy for these patients. It’s easy to empathize: these people are in pain...

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Knee Pain Treatment & Relief: Know...

Knee pain is something that many of us experience (over a quarter of us, to be exact)...  but for some reason, many people don’t know that there are knee pain treatment methods besides surgery and intense pain killers. Surgery and pain medications have their place in knee pain relief, sure. But there are many other methods that you can use to strengthen your muscles, increase your mobility, reduce pain, and correct any compensatory movements you’ve made to continue your daily activities. In my years of physical therapy work, I’ve seen people develop limps, change their walking gait, and even stop...

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What Brings You to MOSS? The...

Frequent knee pain affects over 25 percent of the adult population with studies showing a significant increase in knee-related pain & surgeries in recent history.  Knee pain can result in a laundry list of problems in daily life. Because our knees are imperative to our movement and mobility, knee problems can make it difficult to sleep, drive, work, walk, or even get out of bed in the morning (physically and emotionally!).  Can you relate to some of these problems? Have you found that your work and/or personal life has been affected by your knee pain? Are you or a loved...

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Neck Injury and Neck Surgery Recovery...

I constantly see people wanting an instant fix for their neck pain. Many patients think that going right to surgery is going to be a magical cure-all for them. Or, they think that there’s a single neck pain treatment they can get to instantly solve their problems. I feel so much empathy for these patients who come to me post-op or post-injury confused as to why they’re still dealing with such pain. It’s easy for people to get discouraged with injury after injury, flare up after flare up, and continued pain & discomfort post-surgery. We’re going to be honest right...

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Neck Pain Treatments & Relief: Know...

Years ago, I was visiting my family in San Antonio and I noticed something peculiar about my dad. About every 30-45 minutes he was constantly moving his neck up and down, side to side and in circles.  I asked what he was doing and he said, “Oh, just stretching my neck.” I let this go on for a while but then started talking with him about why his neck felt tight and if he had any pain. He tried to brush it off like it was nothing but clearly it was bothering him.  The next day we went to grab...

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What Brings You to MOSS? The...

Did you know that about 1 in 3 people experience neck pain annually? What’s more, 50 percent of those individuals have chronic or frequent neck pain, stiffness, and issues that can be debilitating & interfere with daily life. Neck pain causes more than just pain, though. It also can force individuals to compensate for the lack of mobility and pain, which can lead to other issues like muscle soreness, back pain, stiffness, headaches… the list goes on! So what brings you here? Are you or a loved one one of the millions of people experiencing pain, looking for a way...

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Go to Bed! The Effects of...

In a previous post, I discussed the 4 stages of sleep and some tips I follow to get a good night's sleep.  In this post, I want to discuss some of the nasty side effects of not getting enough sleep.  But first: why do we even need sleep?  During the day, your body is focused on activities and getting things done. This changes when we sleep. The body gets to rest and the brain “cleans house.”  Scientists have discovered that a whole host of activities occur when the lights go out. The brain starts to sort out all of the...

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