
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Maintaining Balance: How Strength Training and Physical Therapy Keep Seniors Safe and Independent

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Conquering Low Back Pain: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Relief and Prevention


Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.


How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!

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What The Heck Is A PT...

I get asked questions all of the time including what exactly is a Physical Therapist and what does a PT do?  In today's blog  I will cover some of the most common questions we get and hopefully help you make better decisions about your healthcare.   One of the most common and pressing questions we receive is: Is physical therapy for me?  While that is a very general question the answer needs to be more specific.  Any type of healthcare decision needs to be made with your specific condition in mind, this is why the experts at MOSS REhabilitation Center always...

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