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Success Stories

“The DISNEYWORLD of physical therapy…”
“I first came to Moss Rehabilitation at my doctor’s insistence for help with my neck and shoulder pain. For me this was a last resort and after trying everything else. Because I have both a liver AND a kidney transplant, pain meds weren’t an option for me. Neither was injections or surgery. I felt I was setup to live a life of pain and missing out on so much. Then...a bright spot… it was hope. It had been so long since I had seen hope that I almost didn’t recognize it that day I met Craig and Jaime. To my surprise, they were able to help me on the first day! I was in literal tears…(so was Jaime!). Tears of joy, relief and my old friend, hope. I left my first visit with more movement and less pain than I had in months! I Continued my full course of treatment and improved each visit. Not only that, but as a bonus I had found a place among friends… Joseph, Dalene, Shay, Brittany… Everyone. A place where laughter and encouragement abound. Moss Rehabilitation Center is truly the DISNEYWORLD of physical therapy, because it really is the happiest place on earth. Thank you for the life changing care you brought to me and ALL your patients. With love, Tia Davidson”
Tia Dawson
I am a veteran of Moss Therapy, this is my 3rd trip through the clinic dating back to 2015. Dr. Robert and Craig are the constants in the clinic. The absolute best of what they do and entertaining as well. The staff has been fluid through the years but all have been warm and welcoming as well as well trained professionals. When i first started with intense pain down my left leg after one session with Robert improvement began. I turned the corner to healing and have steadily progressed. I have all the faith in Moss therapy and all those employed within and do not hesitate to shout their praises from start of the day to end. I love them !!

Before I started physical therapy, I could not raise my right arm up very high to get anything off of a shelf. Now my right shoulder and neck is better when raising my arm. The physical therapy has helped, and i really do recommend Moss Rehabilitation, I have used them on my lower back, my ankle, my neck. I continue to do the exercises because I know they help. I will always use Moss Rehabilitation when I need physical therapy.

Another new journey when I tore my meniscus. I could not walk or bend my knee. The knee was also really swollen. I could not roll over in bed or could not get out of a chair. When I came to Moss Rehabilitation Center Dr. Craig was really helpful and awesome. He is very patient and understanding, Information and very professional. Now I can get around better, Still need continually keep doing my exercises that Dr. Craig has given me. I believe in another couple months I will be just fine. Dr. Craig is great in what he does and very satisfied with him. Thanks for everything.