We Help Transform The Lives Of Everyday People By Quickly Getting Them Out Of Pain And Back To Normal After An Injury Or Surgery Naturally Using The MAGICAL 5 Step Healing Process.

Come see why MOSS Rehabilitation Center was voted Best Physical Therapy in Parker County 6 years in a row by the Springtown Epigraph.

  • Friendly and Fun Atmosphere
  • Evening hours available (no need to miss work or school)
  • Participating with all major insurance companies
  • Convenient location with plenty of parking close to the building (no stairs)
  • Fantastic Results
  • Thorough Explanation of your problem and how PT can help
  • World Class Care from PTs who have a proven track record of getting results

We have over 22 years of experience as Physical Therapist and have treated thousands of patients with problems just like your. From the stay at home Mom with back or neck pain to the weekend warrior with a bum knee. The office worker who has neck pain along with numbness in her hand from typing all day or the high school athlete wanting to get back on the field or court. Clients who have had surgery or are looking to avoid surgery we have helped.


Begin easing your pain and quickly return to the quality of life YOU dream of.

CALL NOW 817-220-MOSS (6677)

“Convenient, compassionate care you deserve, the results you desire”

Get Your Life Back So You Can Do What You Love. Call Today!
817-220-MOSS (6677)