
We help transform the lives of everyday people by quickly getting them out of pain and back to normal without pills, injections or surgery

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Falling in love? Great! Falling downstairs? Not so great.

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How Safe is Your Home?


Don’t snooze on the benefits of sleep!


Benefits of Physical Activity for Mental Health


Is Extreme Texas Heat the Cause of Summer Colds?

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What Your Doctor Is Not Telling...

Heart Rate Variability or (HRV) what is it and why isn’t your doctor talking about it?  In this blog post, we're gonna talk about Heart Rate Variability and why it is a missing piece to your health.  In a prior post Are You a Dysfunctional Breather I briefly mentioned HRV so in this post I want to dive a little deeper to tell you more about it and how you can use it to help with your recovery and daily stress levels.  What exactly is HRV?  Heart rate variability is the time between the actual heart beats. This is easily...

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Respond vs. React?

Are they the same thing? I say NO.  I hadn’t thought about the difference until a year ago while sitting in a workshop for entrepreneurs. For as long as I can remember I have had a full schedule day in and day out. You could even say I thrive on it. The problem is I was in reaction mode.  Years ago when I was working on my doctorate I would work all day and then spend several hours a night studying or writing papers. Heck when Judy was pregnant with Sydney and going into labor I was in the office...

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Your Neck Pain Questions Answered

Neck Pain FAQ's In this post I want to address some common questions I am asked about neck pain and what to do about it. If you have neck pain or if you know of someone who does then this article is for you.   Over my 23 years of experience as a physical therapist, I've seen numerous conditions. Specifically neck and back pain are two of the main issues I see.   I would say, in 23 years, I've seen a lot regarding the neck. Anywhere from car wrecks to surgery, or even whiplash from a toddler that my wife had...

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Don’t Be A Pain In The...

Like My Wife!!! If you or someone you know has neck pain then this article is for you.  Most recently, I was on a business trip for a couple of days in Orlando, Florida. My daughter flew out after my meeting so we could spend some time together. We went to Disney World Animal Kingdom as well as Universal Studio.  We rode some amazing roller coasters, and then we also took a kayaking trip before heading home. My wife came to pick us up at the airport and I noticed she couldn't move her head very well. She was having...

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Are You A Dysfunctional Breather?

How Well Do You Breathe? Most people don't consider or think or about their breathing just because it happens naturally, which is good.  However, what happens is most people end up breathing incorrectly, whether it's from a trauma, injury, or just changes in postural habits.  Your breath has a tremendous effect on your health.  It can actually affect multiple areas of your life.  Proper breathing, results in greater oxygenation of your blood, improved HRV, which is heart rate variability. Think about your heart as an elastic band. And so the more elastic... and the more flexible it is, the better....

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Your Most Pressing Questions About Knee...

If you or someone you know has knee pain then this article is for you.  Obviously as a Physical Therapist my first line of defense to help you recover from an injury is a natural method. I believe the body is an amazing machine capable of healing, given the right environment.  As a cyclist I have suffered with knee pain occasionally and have always been able to bounce back using natural methods. This is actually how I discovered how effective dry needling is for muscle and joint pain.  I was out with some friends doing a warm up ride for...

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Those Hips Don’t Lie

If you or someone you know has knee pain then this article is for you.  As an avid cyclist and one who competes my main focus is to build a better aerobic engine.  I spend hours on the bike training and getting ready for races. I love it when everything goes according to plan, but when does that actually happen? A few years ago I started to notice some left knee pain. No big deal, I was putting in some serious miles and figured it was a little bit of tendonitis.  I changed my training load, worked on the tendon...

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A Healthy Knee Is A Happy...

If you or someone you know has knee pain then this post is for you.  Many Americans deal with debilitating knee pain on a daily basis. In fact 750,000 thousand knee surgeries are performed in the US annually and an additional 600,000 total knee replacement surgeries.  One study found that up to 20% of patients receiving a knee replacement continue to have persistent pain.  An issue with your knee can be frustrating due to the pain but also the limitations it places on you.  It can reduce your quality of life, activity level and mobility causing you to lose your...

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Insider Tips For Your Back Pain

Click HERE to watch my video where I cover the Insider Tips for the 3 types of Lower back pain and sciatica.   Over my 22+ years of experience I have treated literally thousands of patients with back pain. While I typically break them down into 3 large buckets of the primary source of their problem, remember we are all individuals and the symptoms one feels while experiencing back pain can vary greatly.  In another post I discussed the Top 3 Causes of Back Pain and Sciatica. Now I will provide some tips to help you deal with the various types...

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Top 3 Causes of Back Pain...

Click here to watch my video where I discuss the Top 3 causes of Lower back pain  Back pain is the worst, I know I experienced severe pain while on vacation 2 years ago with my wife and family celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.  We were in beautiful Hawaii when I woke on the third day of our 7 day vacation with intense, excruciating lower back pain. The type of pain that takes you breath away when you move wrong. The type of pain that makes you want to crawl into a hole, curl up and die.  How can this...

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